
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whose problem is it?

"It's not your problem", God replied.
I haven't posted in a while...don't know why. It seems like the year is already spinning out of control and rushing forward! I haven't had a moment to catch my breath since the new year began. WOW! Today I have a quiet few moments of peace here.

I am waiting for my son to come home so we can take care of some errands with him, gas in the car, oil change, groceries, laundry in the mean time...dinner, etc. It will be busy! I am anxious to see him and hope he is okay, for today! When I ponder how he will ever find a way to live life on his own, when I wonder, "Will he ever get a job?" When I ask myself, will he become a "productive" member of society? I know I am walking into dangerous thinking territory! Dangerous! A friend of mine posted the lyrics to a song, entitled, "I AM" on a website forum. The chorus says:

"It's not your problem!" God replied!

Now that's a good one, it's definitely NOT my problem, is it? And when I make it my problem, it shows a lack of faith in the POWER of the almighty to do anything. Nothing is impossible with God! I think I needed to hear that today!

Thoughts swirling through my head about what changes will be made in my work situation for next year. Wanting to have things worked out and running smoothly. So many changes! Good friends leaving and moving to different schools. Teachers being shuffled around and moved. Assistants who are like my right and left hand, will not be with me again. It is so difficult to face these changes. I'm feeling the confusing and frustrating thoughts of doubt. Will it all work out?

Then there's that chorus again:

"It's not your problem!" God replied!

I'd better go now...listen to what God is saying to me. Cast all my thoughts upon Him and rest in His care.

I am NOT God! Thankfully, none of these problems are mine to deal with! Thank YOU very much! I needed to hear that reply today, God. TODAY!