Photo by Henry Winokur |
It has been a long
time since I've posted here...But none-the-less, my mind has been going
non-stop about so many things. One of the suggestions that I got from a
workshop I attended said to focus on a “moment”...and elaborate on that moment.
Unfortunately for me...a “moment” leads to a lifetime and there are not enough
words to express all of that!
My dear father in law passed away on May 2, 2015. We kind of knew this
was about to happen and were prepared as best we could be. My husband was
surprised by the sadness he felt and still feels about losing his father.
Today has been a hard day for him right from the start because the memories
just keep on coming. It is Father's Day. (Here I paused….)
I came up to my "office" to check on something quickly...on the
computer...and here I find myself, reading an old letter and drifting back in
time...again and losing my train of thought for the moment. It was too hard to write the story on
Father’s Day, so I put the writing away and saved it. Here in my computer’s newly expanded memory,
the thoughts sat and a month has gone by!
Here I go again, the
day after our 41st anniversary, attempting to write about how I felt
during these precious moments.
As we were cleaning out drawers at my in-laws house, my husband happened upon a
letter he had written on October 19th, 1970. He found it in the
bottom drawer of the nightstand next to his father's side of the bed.
Now, for your
information, my husband's father was not sentimental at all, but for some
reason he had held on to this letter. It was next to a folded up napkin
from our wedding, July 20, 1974.
“Dear Mom and Dad, Kim and Jennifer too!”
Isn’t it something
special that we had to write letters back in the 70’s to our parents while we
were away at college? I recall making a weekly phone call home on Sunday
evening when the long distance rates were cheaper. It’s a tradition I have kept up all my life,
calling mom on Sunday evening at least once a week. We wrote letters too! Poured our hearts out
to our parents, boyfriends, sisters, and grandparents. There was something special about hand
written letters and this letter must have been important because it had been
saved in a special place. Doug said to
me when he found it, “Come here and check this out!” Then he quickly folded it
up and put it back in the envelope and said, “Never mind”! (He probably wasn't sure where the letter was leading with the mention of an old girlfriend..)
This sudden change of
attitude peaked my interest, so when we got home a few days later, I read the
letter silently to myself and discovered what the mystery was all about. In the letter, he had outlined for his
parents all of the activities he and his hometown girlfriend had participated
in during the Homecoming festivities and it sounded like they had a great time!
He also described difficulties he was having with his roommate and how they
were going to split up and move in with other people. He explained how hard he was studying and how
difficult the classes were that he was taking at the time. He mentioned that
the sciences were extremely difficult and that he was “running out of study
time that’s ‘cause there is so much to learn.”
Then finally he says, “I’m still enrolled in college.”
The letter gets more
interesting towards the end… and this is the part that touches my heart and
makes me realize what a sweet young man he was when we first met.
He starts talking
about “People” and writes, “People are just as important as studies and I have
met some great individuals…people I love…not just acquaintances. REAL PEOPLE.”
My experience of
college dorm life, classes and meeting new people was much the same…you met
really great people and you had time to talk to them and get to know them and
you LIVED with them on a day to day basis.
They became like your family, your sisters and brothers, your neighbors
and your confidantes.
Then he writes to his
“I have also met a
girl. (You knew I was leading up to that,
didn’t you mom and dad?)”
“Her name is Gail
He wrote this letter
to his parents to tell them about meeting ME! This is so special! He wanted to
tell his family that he had met someone he loved, a new girl, and he told them
my name! So nostalgic and sweet, I began to feel those feelings of butterflies and anxiousness and the feeling of falling in love all over again!
“I don’t see her much
but…but I DON’T KNOW. I am anxious for you to meet her…she makes me
feel…HAPPINESS…that means a great deal to me.
PICTURE. I’ll send a picture, how’s that?”
What a precious
memory…the time we were first dating and I made him feel HAPPINESS (all caps!).
I hope I still do.
We have been married
now for 41 years. That is a long time and a short time. We have raised three children and now are
blessed with 4 beautiful grandchildren! As anyone who knows us knows…we’ve had
some highs and lows but we have always remained committed to one another and to
our family. We have held onto our faith
and each other through all of it. What an amazing ride we have had
together! And what a treat to find this precious memory tucked away in a drawer!