Today is my 56th birthday. I am now closer to 60 than to 50. The sound of the numbers is appalling to me as I actually don't feel that much different than the me at 25, 30, 40, 50...the decades march on. How can I be this old? I had a great day at school with the kids. They are so sweet and so happy when they are celebrating a birthday. They all wanted to give me gifts, and a few did. So very thoughtful and so very unnecessary. I know most of the families cannot afford it! I was touched by their thoughtfulness anyway! One of my students sent me a card that said, "Happy Bird Day" and I laughed so hard, I almost lost control of myself. It was just so cute and so typical of my ELL students! What fun!
It is nice to be remembered and loved. I can go to sleep tonight feeling special. My own children called me as well...I'm sure they had a bit of prompting from their dad, but a call is nice none the less. So far, it has been a great birthday!
My favorite Psalm, has the line in it:
"Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16
I feel like my days have been numbered. 56 years full of days and nights and they keep on coming. I wish more of them could have been "Sunflower Days", but even with the difficulties, I can honestly say that more of them were than were not. Part of what makes a "Sunflower Day" is just being aware of the good and stopping and enjoying the time we have here. God has written it in his book....let it be!
I received a card from a friend that I haven't seen for awhile. She must have stopped by and dropped it between the doors while I was gone. I wish I could have seen her. I am surprised she remembered my birthday. We used to be neighbors and saw each other regularly. Now life just seems so busy. There really is no excuse for not taking the time to look at the flowers, or our friends, or our loved ones. I don't know what my excuse is....I just need to do it! Happy Birthday to myself. I have had a happy day! I hope you have had one too!