Last week I was driving home from work. It was a beautiful, cool, sunny fall day. I was listening to the radio and minding my own business. At a stoplight, as I was waiting for the light to change and the traffic to move on, I was rammed from behind by a Ford 150 pick-up truck! After the hit from behind, my car slammed into the car in front of me as I was hit on both ends. For a moment I just sat there and stared into space....a bit shaken up, I finally got out of the car and came face to face with the man who hit me and the woman who I hit. I took one look at my car and suddenly felt so sad. I really have an emotional attachment to that car! As the paramedic checked me out, he said to me, "Cars can be replaced, you cannot be! Are you all right?" Yes, I was and I am. I have been thinking about my own mortality though during the past few weeks and months. Maybe I am feeling like I'm on the other side of the hill now, heading for the grave someday. I always thought that would be later rather than sooner, and I hope it will be, but I doubt that I will live another 56 years! So I am getting closer to that time. I know I am not's just that I'm not ready yet! Things can happen so quickly! I sat on the grass the other day, just praising God for protecting me and keeping me safe....for now!
Psalm 23
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall not fear for thou art with me..."
Thanks be to God for walking, (and driving) with me!
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