God teaches us to take a day off from work, Sabbath. Sometimes my Sundays are so busy...out the door early to practice with the singers at church, worshipping together, busy shopping and finishing up home projects and grading papers for Monday, meetings in the evening...too much to do that it is not much of a Sabbath! Saturday works better for me and I'm taking a break today to get back to writing, thinking and connecting with a slower pace.
"Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me---watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28 The Message
When at work, if He is with me, and I believe He is (the constant beating of my heart in unceasing prayer) I can experience rest. When I am at home, preparing a meal, exercising, talking; He is a constant and I am learning the "unforced rhythms of grace" the rhythms of my own body, breath and heart, muscles and bones, words and thoughts.
I called my son yesterday to check on him and he didn't call me back right away. My mind does strange things to me when he doesn't answer and I started on that dangerous pathway of thought again, "What is he doing? Where is he? Why isn't he answering the phone? Is he okay? Had he run off? If he doesn't call back, I'm going to cut him off!" On and on the thoughts began.
Then I stopped and took a deep breath, and asked God to just take the thoughts away from me. I actually raised up my arms, palms upward, and gave my thoughts, my cares and my crazy projections up to God. He took them and I was fine. My heart was still praying, but my mind was a bit calmer. Sabbath rest. Rest in Him. It can truly begin to happen for us if we can surrender.
Maybe that's what it means to live freely and lightly...in Him. I have been talking to my beautiful daughter lately about life and the ups and downs of it all. She has a beautiful baby boy, a caring husband, a good job, a home, basically she has it all! Yet she is still feeling a void in her life, the spark is dying down. She feels stress, not rest. I keep telling her to just "go with the flow". She is still trying to stay in charge of her life. We talked about the spiritual side of all of this and I know she misses the active presence of God in her life. So my heart beats everyday with a silent prayer for her also...
"Lord, find her and bring Your rest to her. Help her to trust YOU and learn to live freely and lightly with You by her side. All of the "things" of her life will work out as You would have them work out. I have learned this lesson through years of living. I trust that You will help her."
Again, I lift up my arms, pray and trust. My tendencies to want to do it all and be all to my family have come to haunt me again. Again, I must surrender it all you the Lord. I am not in control. God is.
My middle son is in NYC preparing to fly to Switzerland for a special music festival and he is presenting a special music program for his work this week as well. I know that You will be with him in all that he does. I wish for him success and a profitable trip. It is hard to let go and to trust. I must. God knows I care for him so very much. Again and again, my hands extend toward God and I surrender to His will.
My mom had her 83rd birthday yesterday. I am so thankful for her continued health and activity. Yet there are times when I worry. At least with her, I know for sure she is always with God's spirit. Surrender.
1 comment:
This is a beautiful line of thought about your family. I like the heartbeat thing and the gratitude you express. Your heart is open like a sunflower toward your family
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