
Monday, July 6, 2009

Take Care of your Family!

I have recently been through a surgical procedure that has kept me somewhat slowed-down these past three weeks. I have needed someone to take care of me. 
Now that I am feeling better, I am realizing that I, too, need to take care of others.  I have been busy taking care of the house, trying to accomplish a few projects for the summer.  One of the projects is scrapbooks.  I love putting pictures in books and making memories come alive through color, organization, and journaling.  I find that the books are treasures for me and for others to look at and remember.  All those memories!  They flood my mind when I am working on the scrapbooks.  Some of the memories are hard....but most of them are happy and joyful! Most of the best memories are with family and friends spending time together and
enjoying life.  I thoroughly enjoy all of the memories!  

The other day I was working on a few pages for a scrapbook about Michelle's wedding two years ago.  (Yes, I am a little behind!)  I had a strong sense of a need to "Take care of my family".  I kept thinking those words.  I was looking at pictures of my grandson, Jack, pictures of Michelle and her wedding, Michael and Matthew when they were little, my husband, Doug, as a young attractive many memories, so many wonderful special thoughts...."Take care of your family!"  The words kept ringing through my mind.

I have always felt that my first and foremost "mission" or "calling" was to bring the message of God's love to my family. To share my faith with my children as they grew up...and I did that to the best of my ability.  I was listening to Matt sing one of his songs,  "Hey, Mom, tell Jesus that I love him...."  

Their love comes through in so many different ways.  My boys' feelings come through their music, my daughter through her notes and her phone calls.  I love them all so much.  Each  is so different, each so special.  Sometimes I feel like perhaps my "calling" is over.  They are adults now, they need to find their own way somehow....yet they still turn to me for love and support and counsel.  "Take care of your family!"

Suddenly the phone rang and it was my mother.  The giver of my life.  She was experiencing some irregular heart beats and was in the hospital emergency room.  She lives two hours away from me, so of course I became very anxious. "Take care of your family!"  had new meaning to me at that moment.  I hurried to make arrangements so that I could be up there with her as soon as possible.  For the moment she is okay, but I am concerned.  How do I take care of her?  What do I need to do?  I pray that God shows me how and when.

I am still pondering the consistent and persistent thought. "Take care of your family."  I know that I will do what I need to do.  How do I continue to do it for Mike and my other adult children without stepping over the line that turns into enabling?  When do I step in and take care of my mom?  I pray for wisdom and strength to do whatever it is I need to do.  Patience, wisdom and courage are what I need to "Take care of my family!"  and to "Take care of me!"  for I am a part of my family!  I need care too!

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