
Friday, August 20, 2010

A Prayer for my Children

I was listening to my son's CD, "Money",  in the car,  and felt the need for prayer for him...for both of my sons, actually...make that my daughter,, make it all of us...the whole family....friends....the world.

maybe if I prayed the sun would shine for me? 

"Our father in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

take away all the things that trouble me?

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil."

Fill my pockets FULL 
my fridge with food to eat?

"Give us this day our daily bread."

but I don't have the time.

"Oh, but you do! You took the time.  The words came from you. You wrote the words, sang the song, you thought the prayer in your head, in your did did take the time!" I wanted to call my son and tell him that.  
But, I just thought it and by my thoughts, it was also a prayer!

"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. AMEN"

"I am good."

Another son, another place, different circumstances....yet he is a writer as well.  He writes his "mantra".  "I am good.  I am good."  Yes, son, you are good!  You are.  I love you. 
I am praying for you!

Only GOD can turn a MESS into a MESSage, a TEST into a TESTimony, aTRIal into a TRIumph, a VICTim into a VICTory. GOD is GOOD... all the time!

A post on Facebook, by my daughter...a prayer...going through a "mess"-
work, marriage, home, child, stress, money...

She is making life into a "test", a "trial"-
want to be perfect, want to be right, want to be successful,
so like me, so like her mother.

Yet...God can change things, God can help us be what we are on the inside,
"good enough"!

God is GOOD! All the time!

Thank you, Lord, for helping me sort out the thoughts of my family today!

"This life, therefore ... is not righteousness but growth in righteousness, .... not health but healing, ... not being but becoming, ... not rest but exercise. ... We are not yet what we shall be, ... but we are growing toward it. ... The process is not yet finished but it is going on. ... This is not the end but it is the road. ... All does not yet gleam in glory ... but all is being purified." 

Martin Luther