
Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Quiet Evening

The In-laws, Two Special People
Here I sit again, another quiet evening and I'm enjoying it.  Peaceful.  I've checked out the latest blogs about my son's band, Skeletons, and their new CD recently released called "Money".  Very interesting, but I don't understand.  

I'm reading emails and surprisingly, some of the stuff that is shared really touched my heart! One of my friends was speaking about her mother in law who just recently passed away on Saturday. She regretted that she had never told her mother in law how much she appreciated her for the many reasons that made her special.  
Now she is no longer with them.

I began to think.  Have I communicated to Doug's parents just how much I love and appreciate them?  Have I thanked them for raising a good man, a good father, a wonderful husband? Have I let them know how much I appreciated being welcomed into their family and accepted as a daughter in law?  Have I told them that they have had such a powerfully positive influence on my children?  I believe I need to do it today...or very, very soon.  Life is too short and we take these special people for granted sometimes.  Doug's dad is recovering from pneumonia and is in the hospital right now.  Why is it so hard to speak the things that are on our minds in the present moment?  Why do we choke on these words of love and reflection until often it is too late?  I pray that God will give me the chance to speak these kind words to Doug's parents before it is too late.

I just hope they don't think I'm being weird!  (I guess there are worse things to be!) I'd better get on it!  PEACE!

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